“Senseless person! Are you willing to learn that faith without works is useless?”
James 2:20
Think about it…
Would we see the wind if we did not see its effects on trees, rain, snow, lake water, sail boats or kites?
Could we see love if it wasn’t displayed in a kiss, hug, loving act, holding hands, or the sacrificial death on the cross?
Doesn’t compassion have to be revealed by ministry, feeding, nursing, listening, or by the sacrifice of time?
Would one’s worship have any meaning if we did not see it demonstrated in the focused act of prayer, singing, meditation, to honor and glorify God?
Should faith be evaluated any differently? Doesn’t it need to be revealed or proved by some kind of action? How else would we know it was faith?
Faith without works is not faith. Change without change is not change.
Being teachable is a key to this verse. James asks, “Are you willing to learn?” Can you not see that faith without a work to authenticate it is useless?
One who claims to have faith will be convincing when others can see it lived out in practice.
Maybe a story will help. Once a man was preparing for a difficult tightrope performance. The rope was tied across a river. The man paced and studied the scene. Taking note of his hesitancy, his coach tried to encourage him. He said, “I believe in you! You have a great talent for this feat. I have faith that you can accomplish this!”
Really the man asked. How much faith do you have? Oh, lots was the reply!
Well then, come up with me and get on my back!
See, true faith without works is useless.
Blessed by you…Bro. Sherman
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