“What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but does not have works? Can such a faith save him?” James 2:14
One day I was walking through a busy store and another customer excitedly hollered, “They’re winning!” while waving his hand wildly. I tried to smile excitedly as I wondered whose winning? Moments later I realized he assumed I was a baseball fan by my red Cardinal’s shirt. Sorry to say, I am not a true fan. I don’t watch or listen to games, or know the team, coach or players or their stats. It was just a nice shirt. End of story. No claim to Cardinal fandom.
This incident got me to thinking, if I had claimed to be a fan, shouldn’t there be evidence in my life? A “Go Cards” license plate? My frequent attendance at games? An ability on my part to show at least a basic knowledge of the team players, coaching staff and league standings? Should others often hear me talking about the team and the hope of their winning the pennant? Truth is, if I were a true fan, my life would reflect it! There would no need for me to claim to be a fan. My friends would already know it.
What is true for any true sports fan is true for a follower of Christ. No one should need to tell anyone they are a Christian; their life should reflect it. How we live, relate to others, and where we spend time and money, should reveal our Chrisian faith.
Think about it. Our neighbors may know we are Christians by observing our going to and from church each Sunday. But that will not mean a whole lot to them until they see us demonstrate our faith by offering to pray for them, then praying with them and meeting a need for them. A real witness to our faith will be demonstrated by true caring and ministry. Our faith will come alive for them as we live out our faith in practice. Our works do not save us. Our works reveal the legitimacy of our faith. As Christ followers, we want to live and love as Christ did. We love others as He loves us.
What my hope and prayer is that the next time I hear “They’re winning” let it be that we are winning others to Christ by our Life example and Christ-like Walk.
Blessed by you…Bro. Sherman
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