“That is, in Christ, God was reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and He has committed the message of reconciliation to us.” 2 Cor 5:19
We know we are to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world. Which means we are called to make a difference, a positive difference. Whatever we do, wherever we go, we are to be Christlike in any and every situation. That means we are to be loving, accepting, forgiving, encouraging, and caring in all our dealings with others. All others. The start of a new year might be a good time for us to reaffirm our resolve to be Christlike in every way.
Jesus also gave us the task of being His witnesses. This is not as difficult a task as we make it out to be. We have often given in to the idea that we cannot talk about God or politics. Yet, if we approach these subjects with Christlikeness, any subject can be open for discussion. We especially need to be able to bring God into our conversations. Maybe the proper perspective on what it means to be a witness would help.
Jesus simply commanded: “You will be my witnesses.” (Acts 1:8) He did not command us to save anyone. Nor to win any arguments. Or to persuade anyone to love God, accept God, or to join His church. Our only mission is to be His witness.
The words of the Apostle Paul may help us with our struggle with being a witness. Paul says, “He has committed the message of reconciliation to us.” Therefore, it might help us realize we are the messengers of hope. It’s the ministry of the Holy Spirit to bring conviction and open the mind and heart of the lost. Our responsibility is to be willing to bring God into the conversation.
Let’s take the many discussions about the mass killing in New Orleans. On the surface none of this makes sense. But as we look at this situation, we learn this man had no hope. He had some association with a terrorist group. He had major financial issues and likely saw no way out. There was no family support group. He had no hope.
In our discussions with others, how hard would it be to say, “These are the kinds of people Jesus would gravitate to! The down and outers: like the woman at the well, the paralyzed man at the pool or the man with leprosy (cancer) are all good examples. This man like many need to hear about God and the hope He brings to life.”
This just might start a discussion and open a door or two. After all, those we are talking with also need a message of hope.
Are you willing to be a messenger of hope?
Blessed by you…Bro. Sherman
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